The Football Kick Off Tee Used By College And Professional Teams!
The Ground Zero Onside is a 2-in-1 tee manufactured in the color black. It is a one-inch kick off tee (identical to the Ground Zero 1) that includes a notch that allows kickers to support the football with its tip on the ground for onside and squib kicks. Covered by two U.S. patents, this tee was introduced in 2004 and is the first of its kind!
The Ground Zero Kick Off Tees and the Toe-Tal-Tee are the most innovative kicking tees in the football marketplace.
The ideas were conceived and patented by Attorney H. Jay Spiegel who formerly kicked for Cornell University. The Ground Zero 1 tee consists of a one-inch kickoff tee manufactured in the color black and which was used in the 1999-2000 NFL season by 28 of 31 teams, and since then by every NFL team.
This tee has been featured in the last eight Super Bowls and Pro Bowls, in movies including ?On Any Given Sunday? starring Al Pacino, and in advertising including an introductory piece preliminary to Super Bowl XXXIV featuring Tiger Woods and Kirk and Michael Douglas. The Ground Zero 2 tee is the two-inch version of the Ground Zero 1 tee.
The Toe-Tal-Tee is a four-in-one tee including two kickoff tees and two field goal blocks that are legal in high school play.
The Ground Zero Onside Tee is being introduced in 2004. This new tee, covered by two U.S. Patents, provides, for the first time, a notch allowing kickers to support the football with its tip on the ground for onside and squib kicks.